The Levin Apartment BuildingInstallation View. Bushy Park. 2006
The Levin Apartment Building. Detail. 2006
The Levin Apartment BuildingInstallation View. Bushy Park. 2006
The Levin Apartment BuildingInstallation View. Bushy Park. 2006
The Levin Apartment BuildingInstallation View. Bushy Park. 2006
The Levin Apartment Building. Installation View. Space Station 65. 2006

The Levin Apartment Building is a functional dovecote. Its design draws on on early Modernist architectural styles such as Art Deco and utopian proposals for cities such as Geogrii Krutikov’s 1928 ‘Flying City Apartment Complex’. As such it forms a hybrid model of both realised and unrealised 20th Century architectural works scaled for use by the pigeon.

A number of the features are entirely compatible with a pigeon’s requirements, particularly the balconies which provide convenient perches as well as the supporting pylon that raises the living quarters clear of predators. Other details, such as the copper roof and stained-glass fanlights contribute to a more burlesque reading of these earlier projects.

Date: September 19th, 2013

Category: Uncategorized

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